Saturday, January 30, 2010

Can You Sue Over Government Contract Can California Successfully Sue The Federal Government For Breach Of Contract?

Can California successfully sue the federal government for breach of contract? - can you sue over government contract

I heard on public radio today that are 25 percent of the health and social care in California, issued to illegal immigrants and their children at anchor ", so when I got home I made some calculations ...

CA GDP amounts to 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, 22.3 percent of that is what is spent by our government. Health and Human Services spends 25% of the budgets of our state government. So ...

$ 1,800,000,000,000 x 22.3% = $ 401,400,000,000 (Part Govt)
401400000000 euros x 25% = $ 100,350,000,000 (Health and Human Services)
100350000000 euros x 25% = $ 25,087,500,000 (part of the illegal aliens paid)

These people have federal law by illegally in the country and has in my state more than 25 billion U.S. dollars this year, hurt in alleged. Our contract with the federal government (the Constitution) guarantees the defense, states. Are they available in breach of contract? Has not the federal government in this case is guilty?
25 billion U.S. dollars, by the way done, our budget, leaving a small surplus!


Johnny Rotten said...

We are not stupid here in California ... We take care of and forget about others and pay the taxes for the hard work ... We have 26,000 illegals in our prison system ... About 200 of them were sentenced to death and never see the gas chamber ... and thank you to fat and lazy to die in the state .... I m is 3 times a month off, because the State can not your money.

mikea109 said...

What's going on sows. Soon these socialist dogs are responsible for the collapse of our country, to enable these foreign strangers. to stay and ruin our economy. These people should be sent home and went to wait for the acceptance of immigration law.

If required to return, and decides to still with the laws and protocol to follow.

People like Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Obama have no right to get these people to stay. The number of illegal immigrants are selected, and when this happens, it will be included.

Gina said...

The anchor "babies", which is like the love that covers the people in this country. Read the Constitution on ......... that a racist term is sick!

BTW, our idiot governor did not agree with their claims.

Dick F said...

I do not know if I could win the case. I seriously doubt that the government of California or the nerve enough to be still present. But for its part, would like to see make it happen.
Good job on the study of facts and figures. They present a very clear and precise.

brown950... said...

California is a state in which the Constitution was signed.

And ... The Constitution is a constitution ... not binding.

Ergo ... no.

Stop Ranting said...

Or, and I know this may seem a little crazy in California, not give them free medical care and welfare, and instead of selling them if you find it.

8L said...

California is screwed in both directions.

Stop unnecessary costs and you could be another year - maybe.

8L said...

California is screwed in both directions.

Stop unnecessary costs and you could be another year - maybe.

dwoodall said...


California brought this on themselves. Plain and simple.

The time in bed, they did.

!SoN oF a MoThErLeSs DuCk! said...

I really need to move.

mr danger said...

Now the rest of the problem and want to know if you still a negative number?
The rest of the problem?
How much of the economy?
You know you've to pay taxes on goods and services
You know people who used the money saved by
They also know that they are not used to pay state or federal taxes should not be removed from FICA illegal "paychecks"
Thus, federal and revenue losses and employers have subsequently increased their illicit wealth.
I think the negative number originally submitted, is now much smaller.

~~jax~~ Μολὼν λαβέ said...

The only problem I have with your argument is simply that to return the policy statements lib try to treat these people rather than elected, to Mexico. Do explain, first, the illegal alien invaders, many of them have openly admitted that they really are. Therefore, unfortunately, little or no case against the federal government in the Constitution. And do not expect the leaders of the Cali wonderful at what you think in the short term, either. Sorry so negative, but true.

BTW, love the proceedings against the state, but.

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